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FMC XII – Die Reise

In the period from 20 to 30 September 2025, the Full Metal Cruise XII Part I and II will set sail one after the other – with four new ports and, for the first time, the opportunity to experience both routes as a combined trip.

The first part of Europe's loudest and hardest cruise will set off from Kiel on 20 September 2025, heading through the Baltic Sea to the Lithuanian port of Klaipeda and from there on across the Bay of Gdansk back to Kiel, where the metalheads will be bid farewell on 25 September 2025 and new cruisers will be welcomed on board for the second route. From there, Part II of the cruise sets sail for Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland, returning to Kiel via the Latvian capital Riga on 30 September 2025. Over five raucous days, three stages and numerous venues on board Mein Schiff 3 will play host to a line-up of top-class bands from the heavy metal scene. A band that everyone knows will be accompanying both parts of the journey and will rock Mein Schiff 3: thrash giants KREATOR! But Mille and his men are just the beginning of a spectacular line-up.
The extensive supporting programme of the trip, with comedy, metal karaoke, meet and greets with the stars, readings, cinema, tattooists, metal wellness and music workshops, will make any heavy metal heart beat faster.


Join the Cruise, Metalheads!

Natürlich lädt auch die Mein Schiff 3 dazu ein, einfach ihre Annehmlichkeiten zu genießen: sei es das Pooldeck, eine der gut bestückten Bars oder eines der hervorragenden Restaurants. Langweilig wird auch auf der zwölften Full Metal Cruise sicher niemandem

Besonders interessant für Metal-Fans, mit großer Festivalerfahrung: Auf der Full Metal Cruise sind bereits die Speisen in den meisten Restaurants im Reisepreis enthalten und alle Full Metal Drinks inklusive. Das bedeutet: Bier, Softdrinks, Kaffee, Tee, alkoholfreie Cocktails und verschiedene Weine sind jeder Zeit frei; ab 18 Uhr auch eine große Auswahl an Spirituosen, Cocktails und Longdrinks.
